HeiQ Viroblock And Silvadur Facemask
Certified effective against COVID-19 and other common viruses & bacteria

The new normal needs a new facemask
Get back to your normal life with confidence
Traditional facemasks work by acting as a barrier and filtering out viruses and bacteria from entering your body through your nose and mouth. We decided to make these benefits as efficient and effective as possible using modern fabric technology, we also added 2 extra layers of virus and bacterial killing protection. Thus providing the best protection from viruses and bacteria that modern technology and science can offer.

Technology of our facemask
Antiviral activity rate > 99.99%
Manufactured with HeiQ viroblock and Silvadur; certified effective against covid19 and other common viruses and bacteria.
Unique multiple layer construction filters out and kills viruses and bacteria before they can come into contact with your face
Washable, virus protection is active for 30 washes so your mask can be cleaned and washed just like your clothes
COVID-19, H3N2 Antiviral activity rate > 99.99%

Uses of our facemasks
Protect you and your family
A face mask is vital to the eradication of covid 19 by reducing your risk of contracting the virus through airborne particles and reducing the risk of you passing it on to others.
This also applies to other airborne infections. The use of facemasks is now recommended by the China government and over 50 other national governments to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.